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Execute TypeScript in the Sandbox

Executing TypeScript in the sandboxed runtime, is similar to executing JavaScript. An additional transpile step will be applied to the given code. Additionally each file below /src with file extension.ts in the custom file system will be transpiled.

The TypeScript code is only transpiled, but not type-checked! If checking types is required, it should be done and handled, before using this library.


  • optional dependency package typescript must be installed on the host system
  • createRuntime option transformTypescript must be set to true


import { quickJS } from '@sebastianwessel/quickjs'

const { createRuntime } = await quickJS()

const options:SandboxOptions = {
  transformTypescript: true, // enable typescript support
  mountFs: {
    src: {
      'test.ts': `export const testFn = (value: string): string => {
                    return value

const result = await evalCode(`
import { testFn } from './test.js'

const t = (value:string):number=>value.length

export default testFn('hello')

console.log(result) // { ok: true, data: 'hello' }
// console log on host:
// 3
// hello


The Typescript package will be imported automatically when it is required. The import defaults to typescript, which is expected in a backend environment. The import can be changed in the Runtime Options via the typescriptImportFile option.

Compiler Options

For most use cases, the default compiler options should fit the requirements.

const compilerOptions: TS.CompilerOptions = {
  module: 99, // ESNext
  target: 99, // ES2023
  allowJs: true,
  skipLibCheck: true,
  esModuleInterop: true,
  strict: false,
  allowSyntheticDefaultImports: true,

If there is a need to use custom settings, please see section transformCompilerOptions in Runtime Options.