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Install the package using npm, yarn, or bun:

npm install @sebastianwessel/quickjs
bun add @sebastianwessel/quickjs
yarn add @sebastianwessel/quickjs

This package is also available at

QuickJS Wasm Variant

This library does not include the QuickJS wasm file. It must be installed separat.

The most straight forward variant is @jitl/quickjs-ng-wasmfile-release-sync

npm install @jitl/quickjs-ng-wasmfile-release-sync
bun add @jitl/quickjs-ng-wasmfile-release-sync
yarn add @jitl/quickjs-ng-wasmfile-release-sync

Please see to find the variant which fits best for your needs.

Backend Usage

Here's a simple example of how to use the package:

import { type SandboxOptions, loadQuickJs } from '../../src/index.js'

// General setup like loading and init of the QuickJS wasm
// It is a ressource intensive job and should be done only once if possible
const { runSandboxed } = await loadQuickJs()

const options: SandboxOptions = {
  allowFetch: true, // inject fetch and allow the code to fetch data
  allowFs: true, // mount a virtual file system and provide node:fs module
  env: {
    MY_ENV_VAR: 'env var value',

const code = `
import { join } from 'path'

const fn = async ()=>{
  console.log(join('src','dist')) // logs "src/dist" on host system

  console.log(env.MY_ENV_VAR) // logs "env var value" on host system

  const url = new URL('')

  const f = await fetch(url)

  return f.text()
export default await fn()

const result = await runSandboxed(async ({ evalCode }) => {
  return evalCode(code, undefined, options), options

// { ok: true, data: '<!doctype html>\n<html>\n[....]</html>\n' }

Cloudflare Workers

Cloudflare workers have some limitations regarding bundling. The developers of the underlaying quickjs-emscripten library, already solved this.

This library will be aligned soon, to support cloudflare as well.

Usage in Browser

Here is the most minimal example on how to use this library in the browser. You need to ensure, that the webassembly file can be loaded correctly. Therefore, you need to add this as parameter to the quickJS call.

Using fetchis possible, but there are the same restrictions as in any other browser usage (CORS & co).

<!doctype html>
<!-- Import from a ES Module CDN -->
<script type="module">

  import { loadQuickJs } from ""

  const { runSandboxed } = await loadQuickJs('')

  const options = {
    // [...]

  console.log( await runSandboxed(async ({ evalCode }) => {
    return evalCode("export default 1+1")

Please see the examples in the repository.