Node compatibility
This library tries to provide basic support for most common used Node.js modules and use cases. The focus is not to provide a 100% Node.js compatibility environment.
Module | Supported | Description |
assert | ✅ | Provides a set of assertion functions for testing |
async_hooks | ❌ | Provides an API to track asynchronous resources |
buffer | ✅ | Provides a way of handling binary data |
child_process | ❌ | Allows for the creation of child processes |
cluster | ❌ | Provides support for creating a cluster of Node.js processes |
console | ❌ | Simple debugging console similar to the JavaScript console |
crypto | ❌ | Provides cryptographic functionality |
dgram | ❌ | Provides implementation of UDP datagram sockets |
dns | ❌ | Provides DNS lookups and name resolution functions |
domain | ❌ | Simplified handling of uncaught exceptions |
events | ✅ | Provides an event-driven programming model |
fs | ✅ | Provides an API for interacting with the file system |
http | ❌ | Provides HTTP server and client functionality |
http2 | ❌ | Provides HTTP/2 server and client functionality |
https | ❌ | Provides HTTPS server and client functionality |
inspector | ❌ | Provides an interface for debugging Node.js applications |
module | ✅ | Load and manage Node.js modules |
net | ❌ | Provides an asynchronous network API |
os | ❌ | Provides operating system-related utility methods |
path | ✅ | Provides utilities for working with file and directory paths |
perf_hooks | ❌ | Performance timing APIs |
process | ✅ | Provides information and control over the current process |
punycode | ✅ | Provides encoding and decoding of Punycode |
querystring | ✅ | Provides utilities for parsing and formatting URL query strings |
readline | ❌ | Provides an interface for reading data from a Readable stream |
repl | ❌ | Provides a Read-Eval-Print Loop (REPL) interface |
stream | ❌ | Provides an API for implementing stream-based I/O |
string_decoder | ✅ | Provides utilities for decoding buffer objects into strings |
timers | ❌ | Provides timer functions similar to those in JavaScript |
tls | ❌ | Provides an implementation of TLS and SSL protocols |
trace_events | ❌ | Provides a mechanism to centralize tracing information |
tty | ❌ | Provides utilities for working with TTYs (terminals) |
url | ✅ | Provides utilities for URL resolution and parsing |
util | ✅ | Provides various utility functions |
v8 | ❌ | Provides an API for interacting with the V8 JavaScript engine |
vm | ❌ | Provides APIs for compiling and running code within V8 VM contexts |
worker_threads | ❌ | Provides a mechanism to use threads for JavaScript execution |
zlib | ❌ | Provides compression and decompression functionalities |
Thanks to memfs, this lib provides basic support of node:fs
and node:fs/promises
Method | Supported |
access | |
accessSync | |
appendFile | ✅ |
appendFileSync | ✅ |
chmod | ❌ |
chmodSync | ❌ |
chown | ❌ |
chownSync | ❌ |
close | |
closeSync | |
copyFile | |
copyFileSync | |
createReadStream | |
createWriteStream | |
exists | ✅ |
existsSync | ✅ |
fchmod | ❌ |
fchmodSync | ❌ |
fchown | ❌ |
fchownSync | ❌ |
fdatasync | |
fdatasyncSync | |
fstat | |
fstatSync | |
fsync | |
fsyncSync | |
ftruncate | |
ftruncateSync | |
futimes | |
futimesSync | |
lchmod | ❌ |
lchmodSync | ❌ |
lchown | ❌ |
lchownSync | ❌ |
link | |
linkSync | |
lstat | |
lstatSync | |
mkdir | ✅ |
mkdirSync | ✅ |
mkdtemp | ✅ |
mkdtempSync | ✅ |
open | |
openSync | |
readdir | ✅ |
readdirSync | ✅ |
read | |
readSync | |
readFile | ✅ |
readFileSync | ✅ |
readlink | |
readlinkSync | |
realpath | |
realpathSync | |
rename | ✅ |
renameSync | ✅ |
rmdir | ✅ |
rmdirSync | ✅ |
stat | |
statSync | |
symlink | |
symlinkSync | |
truncate | |
truncateSync | |
unlink | |
unlinkSync | |
utimes | |
utimesSync | |
write | |
writeSync | |
writeFile | ✅ |
writeFileSync | ✅ |
Method | Supported |
fail | ✅ |
ok | ✅ |
equal | ✅ |
notEqual | ✅ |
deepEqual | ✅ |
notDeepEqual | ✅ |
strictEqual | ✅ |
notStrictEqual | ✅ |
Method | Supported |
createRequire | ✅ |
isBuiltin | ✅ |
register | ❌ |
syncBuiltinESMExports | ❌ |
Method | Supported |
parse | ✅ |
format | ✅ |
extname | ✅ |
basename | ✅ |
dirname | ✅ |
_makeLong | ✅ |
relative | ✅ |
join | ✅ |
isAbsolute | ✅ |
normalize | ✅ |
resolve | ✅ |
_format | ✅ |
normalizeStringPosix | ✅ |
assertPath | ✅ |
Method | Supported |
promisify | ✅ |
callbackify | ✅ |
inherits | ✅ |
deprecate | ✅ |
Here are the supported util.types
Method | Supported |
isAnyArrayBuffer | ✅ |
isArrayBufferView | ✅ |
isArgumentsObject | ✅ |
isArrayBuffer | ✅ |
isAsyncFunction | ✅ |
isBigInt64Array | ✅ |
isBigUint64Array | ✅ |
isBooleanObject | ✅ |
isBoxedPrimitive | ✅ |
isDataView | ✅ |
isDate | ✅ |
isFloat32Array | ✅ |
isFloat64Array | ✅ |
isGeneratorFunction | ✅ |
isGeneratorObject | ✅ |
isInt8Array | ✅ |
isInt16Array | ✅ |
isInt32Array | ✅ |
isMap | ✅ |
isMapIterator | ✅ |
isNativeError | ✅ |
isNumberObject | ✅ |
isPromise | ✅ |
isRegExp | ✅ |
isSet | ✅ |
isSetIterator | ✅ |
isSharedArrayBuffer | ✅ |
isStringObject | ✅ |
isSymbolObject | ✅ |
isTypedArray | ✅ |
isUint8Array | ✅ |
isUint8ClampedArray | ✅ |
isUint16Array | ✅ |
isUint32Array | ✅ |
isWeakMap | ✅ |
isWeakSet | ✅ |
A copy of eventemitter3 is used.