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Type Definition

type RuntimeOptions = {
   * The maximum time in seconds a script can run.
   * Unset or set to 0 for unlimited execution time.
  executionTimeout?: number;

   * Mount a virtual file system
   * @link
  mountFs?: DirectoryJSON;

   * Mount custom node_modules in a virtual file system
   * @link
  nodeModules?: DirectoryJSON;

   * Enable file capabilities
   * If enabled, the package node:fs becomes available
  allowFs?: boolean;

   * Allow code to make http(s) calls.
   * When enabled, the global fetch will be available
  allowFetch?: boolean;

  * The custom fetch adapter provided as host function in the QuickJS runtime
  fetchAdapter?: typeof fetch

   * Includes test framework
   * If enabled, the packages chai and mocha become available
   * They are registered global
  enableTestUtils?: boolean;

   * Per default, the console log inside of QuickJS is passed to the host console log.
   * Here, you can customize the handling and provide your own logging methods.
  console?: {
    log?: (message?: unknown, ...optionalParams: unknown[]) => void;
    error?: (message?: unknown, ...optionalParams: unknown[]) => void;
    warn?: (message?: unknown, ...optionalParams: unknown[]) => void;
    info?: (message?: unknown, ...optionalParams: unknown[]) => void;
    debug?: (message?: unknown, ...optionalParams: unknown[]) => void;
    trace?: (message?: unknown, ...optionalParams: unknown[]) => void;
    assert?: (condition?: boolean, unknown[]) => void;
    count?: (label?: string) => void;
    countReset?: (label?: string) => void;
    dir?: (item?: unknown, options?: object) => void;
    dirxml?: ( unknown[]) => void;
    group?: (...label: unknown[]) => void;
    groupCollapsed?: (...label: unknown[]) => void;
    groupEnd?: () => void;
    table?: (tabularData?: unknown, properties?: string[]) => void;
    time?: (label?: string) => void;
    timeEnd?: (label?: string) => void;
    timeLog?: (label?: string, unknown[]) => void;
    clear?: () => void;

   * Key-value list of ENV vars, which should be available in QuickJS
   * @example
   * ```js
   * // in config
   * {
   *   env: {
   *     My_ENV: 'my var'
   *   }
   * }
   * // inside of QuickJS
   * console.log(env.My_ENV) // outputs: my var
   * ```
  env?: Record<string, unknown>;

Example Usage

The options are passed to the createRuntime method. Here is a basic example:

import { quickJS } from '@sebastianwessel/quickjs';

// General setup like loading and init of the QuickJS wasm
// It is a resource-intensive job and should be done only once if possible 
const { createRuntime } = await quickJS();

// Create a runtime instance each time a JS code should be executed
const { evalCode } = await createRuntime({
  allowFetch: true, // inject fetch and allow the code to fetch data
  allowFs: true,    // mount a virtual file system and provide node:fs module
  env: {
    MY_ENV_VAR: 'env var value'
  console: {
    log: (message, ...optionalParams) => {
      console.log(`[QuickJS Log]: ${message}`, ...optionalParams);
    error: (message, ...optionalParams) => {
      console.error(`[QuickJS Error]: ${message}`, ...optionalParams);
    // Customize other console methods as needed

const result = await evalCode(`
import { join } as path from 'path';

const fn = async () => {
  console.log(join('src', 'dist')); // logs "src/dist" on host system

  console.log(env.MY_ENV_VAR); // logs "env var value" on host system

  const url = new URL('');

  const f = await fetch(url);

  return f.text();

export default await fn();

console.log(result); // { ok: true, data: '<!doctype html>\n<html>\n[....]</html>\n' }

This example demonstrates how to set up and use the createRuntime method with various runtime options, including environment variables, file system access, and HTTP fetch capabilities. Custom console methods are also provided to tailor the logging output.