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This library tries to help you to communicate with eventstore in a smooth way.

There are a couple of things like error handling or function naming which should help you to write nice and speaking code.

It follows async/await style to avoid "callback hell" as well.

Speaking code

Instead of having some base function with lots of parameters this lib provides some nice syntax and alias functions.
Instead of writing:

var esConnection = esClient.createConnection(connSettings, "tcp://localhost:1113");

var eventId = uuid.v4();
var eventData = {
  a : Math.random(),
  b : uuid.v4()
var event = esClient.createJsonEventData(eventId, eventData, null, 'TestWasDone');

esConnection.appendToStream('streamName', esClient.expectedVersion.any, event,someDifferentCredentials)
  .then(function(result) {
      console.log("Stored event:", eventId);

you should write something like:

const eventstore = new Eventstore('tcp://localhost:1113')
await eventstore.connect()

const eventTestWasDone = new Event('TestWasDone',{
  a : Math.random(),
  b : uuid.v4()

await eventstore

 console.log("Stored event:", eventTestWasDone.id)

As you can see your code becomes a lot more self speaking and also someone who isn't familiar with your program or even unfamiliar with javascript/typescript is able to understand what these lines of code are doing.

Of course you're able to use function parameters as well if you prefer it, but it's not recommended

Error handling

This client lib also uses named errors - so no need to parse error messages.
Just use error.name to identify different errors.
Also the error instance may contain an additional field causedBy which will hold some error object if there was an error before which causes the current error.

List of possible errors:

Request response queue

This lib does not use a queue for outgoing requests and commands.
Most outgoing requests will result in promises which will get resolved as soon as an valid response without error code arrives.
If an connection to eventstore get lost while sending a request you will get an connection error immediately and this library will not try to resend requests for you.

I strongly believe it's up to program logic to handle unexpected lost connection failures while sending some requests.
It depends very hard on each usecase how to handle such failures and also if it's possible to reconnect or not.
To avoid unsolvable questions like "What to do with requests when..." and because tcp connections are duplex connections there is no request queue. This library tries to do as much as possible in real time and/or in asynchronous fashion.

If a correlating response for a request contains some error code the request promise will be rejected with correlating error.
If no response arrives within given timeout setting the request will promise will be rejected with an EventstoreTimeoutError.